Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well come

"Download something
Useful, or useless
Because I'm lying here
Wide to receive
Almost anything
You'd care to give.
And I don't
Get along with myself
And I'm not too keen on
Anyone else.
Turn on, plug in
Then just walk away
Unlock, process
And then just go
And I've never felt quite so alone
As I do right now.
I'm lying here
Wide to receive
Almost anything
You'd care to leave.
Wide, wide, wide"

"Wide to Receive" (c) Morrissey 1997 (from the album "Maladjusted")

Welcome to the first post of Wide to Receive, a blog about.... well, whatever I feel like ranting & writing about. As the title suggests the format here is open. My main points of interest are comics and electronic/alternative music, so I'll likely be doing a lot of CD & book reviews, opinion pieces, sketches, etc. I'll also be highlighting any creative projects that might be going on around me. This is an opportunity for me to keep up with writing as well as to share what's on my mind these days. I welcome & encourage you to add your comments here.

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